Fiber Network Solution
  1. Yangon Metro Telenor & Ooredoo Fiber Network Operation and Maintenance(900 Km) & Traffic Projects
  2. Micro-duct Supply , Design, Installation and Maintenance
    (Eager Communications Group Co.,Ltd.)
  3. Last Mile Project Erection & Cable Laying (OH & UG) & Termination
    (Eager & Frontiir & & Mytel & Campana Mythic@Yangon , Mandalay, PyinOoLwin, Bago MawLaMyaing , Kayin and NayPyiTaw Region)
  4. MIH Fiber Cable Installation in Yangon more than 300km on EPC Poles (0 injury)
  5. FTTH Customer Sites Installation & Maintenance/Services
    (MPT, YTP, Telenor, Horizon, Campana Mythic, Frontiir ,MIH@ Yangon, Mandalay)
  6. ODN & OLT Network Installation & Cable Laying (OH & UG) Maintenance
  7. (Yatanarpon Teleport Public Company Limited, Frontiir, MIH @ Yangon , Mandalay, PyinOoLwin, Bago, MawLaMyaing and NayPyiTaw) (Campana Mythic – Yangon and STAR City and City Loft Project)(Eager- Yangon YanKin and GonYi Project)

    Our company has being cabled for over 5000 customers concerning with ONT installation and drop cable installation in Yangon, Mandalay, PyinOoLwin, Bago, MawLaMyaing and NayPyiTaw)

  8. Cabinet and ODB Installation (Eager, Frontiir (Myanmar Net) @ Yangon, Bago)
  9. Consulting and Installation Fiber Design for Shwedagon Pagoda Fiber Backbone Communication Project
Operation and Maintenance Telenor & Ooredoo Network
Scope Includes:
  1. Preventing ,Patrolling and Standby optical cable and Maintain TML and OML Duct Fiber and Fix
    (Including Standby 4 teams 24/7 (Splicing, Testing and Replace fiber, Civil work for fault)
  2. TML and OML Sites Maintain and CR activity and OSS Team Stand By(24/7)
MIH Fiber Cable Installation Project on YESC Poles(300km completed 0 Injury (Yangon) with TM Team
  1. Bahan Township
  2. Tarmwe Township
  3. Mingalar Taung Nyunt
  4. Pazundaung Township
  5. Kyauktada Township
  6. Botahtaung Township
  7. Mayangone Township
  8. Kyee Myindine Township
  9. Ahlone Township
  10. Lanmadaw Township
  11. Latha Township
  12. Insein Township
Eager Backbone Splicing and Men-hole Migration with Today Myanmar Link and Eager Own Team
  1. Backbone Splicing
  2. Splicing in BTS
  3. Men-hole to Cabinet Migration
  4. Traffic Project
  5. Telenor Metro Project
  6. Fault finding And Splicing
Eager (MPT MSAN Project with The E-Power Limited)
  1. OH Fiber Laying
  2. Mini Trenching in Night time
  3. Termination In MSAN Cabinet
  4. OTDR and Power Meter Testing
Frontiir (Myanmar Net) OH Cable Laying and ODF ,FAT Termination
  1. OH Fiber Laying
  2. ODF Termination
  3. FAT Installation
OLT Network Installation(YTP)
  1. North Oakkalapa Township (18.9.2016 to 20.10.2016)
  2. MayanGone Township (21.10.2016 to 14.11.2018)
  3. Pyin Oo Lwin Township (6.10.2018 to 8-12-2018)
Fiber Network Maintenance 24/7 (YTP, MIH , AGB)
  1. Fault Finding
  2. Replace Fiber and Splicing
  3. SLA Agreement 6 Hours for any fiber Case (Day Time Night Time)
Telenor FTTH Projects In Big Building and Housing (with iGTL Team)

OLT Installation in Building and Housing

  1. Panchan Tower(Sanchaung)
  2. Dagon Center (Sanchaung)
  3. Manarhari Housing (Alone)
  4. Thirimingalar Housing(KyiMyintDaing)
Customer Service(YTP, MPT, Horizon Telecom, Ocean Wave (Ooredoo))

New Installation and Maintenance Zones (Yangon 23 Townships , Mandalay 3 Townships and Bago) (More than 3000 Customer And 650000 m Drop Cables)

  1. Drop Cable Installation
  2. Fast Connector Installation
  3. Fusion with Patch cord
  4. Power Meter testing
  5. ONT configuration
  6. Speed Test Testing
  7. Customer Review
LTE (Network Integrations) Installation & Commissioning

Scope Includes:

  • Delivery
  • Documentation
  • New HW Exp
  • Antenna and RRU Installation
  • Commissioning
  • More than sites for GBT & RTT 200
Microwave Installation

Scope Includes:

  • Delivery
  • Microwave Installation (Near End & Far End)
  • ODU Installation (Near End & Far End)
  • IDU Installation
  • Coaxial Cable Installation
  • Lighting Protection
  • Set up, Commissioning, Completed, Connection
  • More than sites for 30
Ayeyarwady 10 Site
Rakhine 14 Site
Mon 4 Site
Total 28 Site

Install antenna's mounting bracket

Fix the antenna mounting on the tower

sway bar kit is securely fixed to antenna and tower

Install groungding for ODU into the grounding cable of equipment system on the tower

Install grounding for If cable

Make the connector, connect for the If cable and ODU

Install antenna's mounting bracket

Fix the antenna mounting on the tower

Sway bar kit is securely fixex to antenna and tower

Install groungding for ODU into the grounding cable of equipment system on the tower

Install grounding for IF cable

Make the connector, connect for the IF cable and ODU

Power Solution Installation
  • More than sites for GBT 100
  • More than sites for RTT 50
  • More than sites for RDU 100

Scope Includes:

  • Delivery
  • Generator Installation and Commissioning
  • Rectifier and Battery Cabinet Installation
  • Testing of Power Equipment with DG
  • (Power Cabinet, DG & Batteries)
  • with Remote Monitoring System(RMS)

6 Energy Cable Connection C0

6 Energy Cable Connection Cabinet End

6 Energy Cable Connection DG End

AC Cable Connection ACPDB End

AC Cable Connection C3 Cabinet End

AC Cable Connection DG End

C0 cabinet cables

Batteries Sting

ACPDB Cables

6 Energy Cable

C0 cabinet cables

C0 cabinet cables

AC power Application and Installation
More than sites for Power Grid with Transformer (11 KV HT Line) 100
More than sites for Power Grid without Transformer (400V LT Line) 38
Total site 138

Scope Includes:

  • Delivery
  • Installation and Commissioning
  • EI ( Electrical Inspection)